Examples of governmental guidelines on drinking & health
Physicians are best situated to provide guidance on your alcohol consumption. They can advise you throughout your life on how your current drinking patterns may impact your health, taking into account the latest medical research, your overall health status, your personal and family medical histories, and your environment, among other factors.
Below are links to guidelines on drinking and health promulgated by the governments of many countries. AB InBev does not endorse nor is responsible for the content of external links, and this abbreviated list does not represent all available government resources on the subjects addressed. Rather, these links are provided solely for ease of reference.
- Argentina’s drinking and health government guidelines: www.chubut.edu.ar/descargas/recursos/programas/nutriendo/Guia_alimentari...
- Brazil’s drinking and health government guidelines:
https://cisa.org.br/images/upload/Panorama_Alcool_Saude_CISA2020.pdf - Canada's drinking and health government guidelines:
www.ccsa.ca/sites/default/files/2020-07/2012-Canada-Low-Risk-Alcohol-Dri... - China's drinking and health government guidelines:
http://dg.cnsoc.org/article/2016b.html - Colombia's drinking and health government guidelines:
https://www.minsalud.gov.co/salud/publica/SMental/Paginas/convivencia-de... - Germany's drinking and health government guidelines:
www.kenn-dein-limit.de/alkohol/ - Mexico's drinking and health government guidelines:
www.gob.mx/salud/conadic/ - South Africa drinking and health government guidelines:
www.gov.za/health-regulations-alcoholic-beverages - United Kingdom drinking and health government guidelines:
https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/BfMmC69NofoM7rl9Spjd8M?domain=gov.uk - United States drinking and health government guidelines:
www.dietaryguidelines.gov/resources/2020-2025-dietary-guidelines-online-... - A summary of various nations’ guidelines for the general population:
www.iard.org/science-resources/detail/Drinking-Guidelines-General-Popula... - A summary of various nations’ guidelines for pregnancy and breastfeeding:
www.iard.org/science-resources/detail/Drinking-Guidelines-for-Pregnancy-... - The World Health Organization has issued a variety of reports about alcohol and health: